Cyber Consultancy

AT-Cyber UK’s cyber security consultancy services are provided by a team of highly certified consultants, holding a deep understanding of the range of cyber risks facing organisations today, assisting your business with implementing the best possible cyber security controls for your budget and requirements.

With growing risks of cyber attacks and data breaches, it is important to know your business has the right cyber defence in place to reduce the risk of becoming a target.

Our Cyber Security Consultancy practice provides a range of services to measure, manage and control Cyber Risk within your organisation.

We work with your business to identify key business assets and risk of cyber attack or data breach from a range of threats.

Our Cyber Security Consultancy practice services align to leading industry standards from both UK NCSC (National Centre for Cyber Security) and SANS, enabling us to identify the most appropriate Cyber Security Framework for your business size and vertical.

We ensure potential Cyber Risk and applicable legislation is clearly explained to your leadership team, enabling them to make informed business decisions to execute business strategy, securely