IOT Security


We combine market-leading expertise in IoT, digital trust and cyber security with an in-depth understanding of the cyber threats and vulnerabilities in different industries. From energy and utilities to consumer products and financial services, we help our clients to identify risks and protect against them, while building sustainable cyber security.

We offer:

  • IoT security health check
    A rapid, practical risk assessment for your end-to-end IoT system. Our health check incudes confidentiality, privacy, resistance to compromise and misuse, reliability and availability, data integrity, non-repudiation of software, authentication of firmware updates, and scalability.
  • IoT secure architecture development
    An end-to-end approach ensuring an IoT architecture that’s ‘secure by design’. We identify the required technical security controls and include them in the architecture alongside business-related controls like incident response, business continuity and privacy.
  • Expert security testing
    Tailored cyber security assessments for your IoT ecosystem. Through 7Safe, our technical services and cyber education business, our CREST-certified penetration testers tailor cyber security assessments for your IoT devices, systems, applications and infrastructure. We help find vulnerabilities before they’re exploited by cyber attackers.
  • Expert security testing
    Tailored cyber security assessments for your IoT ecosystem. Through 7Safe, our technical services and cyber education business, our CREST-certified penetration testers tailor cyber security assessments for your IoT devices, systems, applications and infrastructure. We help find vulnerabilities before they’re exploited by cyber attackers.
  • Privacy and data protection
    Impact assessments, frameworks and regulatory support for IoT data. Our data privacy experts help you ensure your IoT systems protect personal information. This includes privacy impact assessments, information protection and privacy frameworks, and legal and regulatory compliance (including the EU GDPR).