• Identify the latest cyber threats that could affect your organisation or project
  • Recognise any inherent gaps in the organisation or service delivery
  • Understand the risks associated with working online and providing Internet services
  • Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Manage and plan effective security controls to minimise cyber risk

Recent reports suggest that cyber risk is currently one of the most serious threat to business, with demand for supporting insurance increasing rapidly year on year.

Over the previous two years a series of high profile organisations have been subject to devastating cyber-attacks that has resulted in extensive exfiltration of data.

The business impact of this had varied depending on the organisation but common outcomes have included extensive loss of trust in the organisation (affecting the bottom line), class action from customers and employees and regulatory fines from bodies including the Information Commissioner’s Office in the United Kingdom, Federal Government in the United States and the global Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards Council (SSC).

AT-Cyber provide the latest cyber security and threat advice to organisations. Typically in the form of a workshop, our experienced cyber security consultants will understand the client requirements and offer tailored support and guidance on how the current cyber threat landscape may affect them.

We provide guidance on the inherent risks to the business and will recommend pragmatic and practical controls and measures that can be used to mitigate them to a level that is within the organisation’s tolerance.

Typically, the AT-Cyber consultants shall provide a report following the workshops outlining the client requirements, the current threats and the range of measures that were discussed during the engagement.